Friday, March 3, 2017

For my media review, I will be reviewing the popular television show Shameless.
 When I heard about how hyped up the show was a few months ago, I had to watch for myself. Six seasons later and here I am. I watched the whole show in just a week and I just want to say how addicting it was. The character development on Shameless is just fantastic. I felt like I really knew each and every one of them. With Fiona as a strong leader, I felt as if though i was rooting for her throughout the show, even when she would mess up. Ian was one of my favorites as well. He always seemed like he wanted to do well even if everyone was disagreeing with him. Then there is Lip, the rebel (as is Carl), who just really did not seem to care about anything. William H. Macy is one of my favorite actors and he played a hilarious and messy role of the dead beat father. Kev and V are the lovable and helpful neighbors. And then Debbie.....who was my absolute least favorite character. If you have seen it i am sure you know why. Overall though it was a fantastic show and I was sad when I finished it. If you have seen it, who is you favorite character and what did you think of the show?