Friday, April 28, 2017

Research assignment summary

For my research assignment, i decided to talk about the evolution on the music industry. Music is very important to me and i wanted to people to learn how the industry has changed over the years. I wanted my presentation to be like sound city or muscle shoals and talk about how recording and trends of music consumption has changed. I learned a lot about the history of recorded music. One of my favorite things that i talked about was the ways that people consumed music (walkman, iPod, CDs). It is so interesting to me that in the 80s people had walkmans, in the 90s people used CDs, and in the 2000s people used iPods. Now streaming is very popular. I can't wait to see what the next generation will have to listen to music. Maybe they can just listen to music with their brains....who knows? We will see...

Media Journal Summary

Im sure you already know what i am about to say. A millennial talking about how much media they use. Well, you're right. I use a TON of media. Throughout my day, I am constantly on my phone, watching tv, and listening to music. The instant i wake up, and right before i go to bed i must check my phone. This assignment made me realize how much media i consume. What i took from this is that perhaps i need to cut down on my media usage. Instead of watching tv, i could spend time working on assignments that i put off or even go out with friends. In this day in age we spend so much time in this virtual world and less time with our families. For once i would like to shut off the tv and have a conversation with the people around me.

Animals as Leaders "The Madness of Many" album review

For my third review, I will be talking about the newest Animals as Leaders album. "The Madness of Many". The album is all instrumental (as all Animals as Leaders is) and released in 2016. The band is from Washington D.C. and is defined as many genres including metal core, djent, jazz, and latin. This album has all of those combinations. For example, the song Ectogenesis is much more djent and metal core while The Brain Dance has much more of a latin influence. This is one of my favorite bands because they are so diverse. I highly recommend you check them out!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

For my second media review, I wanted to talk about the movie Collateral Beauty. I watched it for the first time a couple nights ago, and it had my whole family and I in tears.
 The movie stars Will Smith, who is very depressed because he has lost his daughter. Without giving too much away, his coworkers seek out to help him. They find three actors in New York City to represent three things; love, time, and death. He writes letters to these things and they appear to him as people, responding to his letters. Each of the coworkers, has their own problems which you will find out if or when you are able to watch it yourself. As any movie my dad and I tried to guess the ending and the twists, but we were very surprised at the end. I highly recommend you watch this movie, and if you are a crier, you might need some tissues!

Friday, March 3, 2017

For my media review, I will be reviewing the popular television show Shameless.
 When I heard about how hyped up the show was a few months ago, I had to watch for myself. Six seasons later and here I am. I watched the whole show in just a week and I just want to say how addicting it was. The character development on Shameless is just fantastic. I felt like I really knew each and every one of them. With Fiona as a strong leader, I felt as if though i was rooting for her throughout the show, even when she would mess up. Ian was one of my favorites as well. He always seemed like he wanted to do well even if everyone was disagreeing with him. Then there is Lip, the rebel (as is Carl), who just really did not seem to care about anything. William H. Macy is one of my favorite actors and he played a hilarious and messy role of the dead beat father. Kev and V are the lovable and helpful neighbors. And then Debbie.....who was my absolute least favorite character. If you have seen it i am sure you know why. Overall though it was a fantastic show and I was sad when I finished it. If you have seen it, who is you favorite character and what did you think of the show?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Hello everyone! My name is Sienna. I am a military brat, so I have moved quite a bit in my life. I have lived in the midwest, south, east coast, and the beautiful island of Hawaii. Even though i have moved all over, i consider Ohio my home. My parents grew up there and its home to me. I love pretty much everything and will try anything at least once. I play bass and love music. For many years i was in a rock band and have opened for bands like Hell Yeah and The Pretty Reckless. Im also very much into sports. I watch mostly but i have played basketball in my younger days. Thats the run down i suppose. Enjoy my blog.